Memory Loss Workshops
Kids & Horses partners with Connected Horse to offer powerful workshops to individuals with memory loss and their care partners. Based on research conducted at UC Davis and Stanford Universities, these workshops resulted in significant improvement in mood, increased positive perception of social support, and greater awareness and appreciation of the relationship between the person with memory loss and their care partner.
The power of the human horse connection helps participants to feel relaxed, confident and more happy in the moment. It can also teach self compassion, stress reduction strategies, communication skills and mindfulness practices.
The workshops are 2.5 hours, once a week for 3 consecutive weeks. We do request that you are able to attend all 3 consecutive sessions when you register. Prior experience with horses is not necessary to participate. Participants engage with horses from the ground; there is no riding. Participants must be ambulatory and willing to participate as a pair in the workshop. There is no cost to participate in the program, however, donations are gratefully accepted.